Planning Post-Covid Travel Using Surfly

With summer around the corner, we can expect things to open up and travel to become possible again. That means it’s time to start planning a trip, to reconnect with friends and family you haven’t seen in-person in a while. Co-browsing can make that easier and take the stress out of planning your itinerary remotely with your travel companions.


Get the Best Deals and the Best Seats with Full Web Browsing

Hey, they have a good price on Booking!

No, wait, it’s cheaper on the hotel’s site. 

Hold up, the pictures on the hotel site look nothing like the ones on booking… 

They have those squishy shower mats. Yuck! Hard pass…

Does this sound familiar?
You and your friend are planning a trip over the phone. You both have your browsers open. The first hotel looks okay, but you think you can do better. You find another hotel, but on closer inspection, there’s a reason why it’s so cheap. So it’s back to the first hotel. 

But, oh no! 

In the time it took you guys to check out your other options—going back and forth on separate devices—the price went up, or the last room got booked.


There’s an easier way!

With co-browsing, it’s so much easier. 

You just open multiple tabs in your Surfly Session and surf the full web, like you would if you were booking a trip on your own. You both see everything in real-time and can switch back-and-forth between tabs to compare prices, locate your hotel on the map, and see what people on TripAdvisor have to say.

Book everything at once

Multi-tab co-browsing also makes it possible to plan everything at once. Together. 

Open tabs for flights, hotels, rental car, walking tours, the works. 

Book it all at the same time, in the same window. Without having to text back and forth or play phone tag as you shop for deals.


 See eye-to-eye

A video chat in the corner of your screen lets you and your co-browsing partner see each other and talk about what you see in real-time.


Take control of the booking experience

With screen sharing, one of you is browsing while the other is basically just watching. 

Co-browsing is different. Not only do you see the same pages, but you can change who’s in control of the browser at any time. This makes browsing the full web truly collaborative.


Safe travels and happy browsing!

Nobody knows what the future of travel is going to look like, but we do know that co-browsing can make planning your next trip a lot easier, no matter where you are.

Book trips together, just like sitting side-by-side